Plastic bottles holding 2.3 litres are least harmful to the planet

Plastic bottles with a capacity of 2.3 litres contain the most liquid for the lowest packaging weight and could reduce plastic waste by thousands of tonnes per year Source:…

Plastic bottles dumped in rivers can travel thousands of kilometres

Tracking the movements of plastic bottles released along the Ganges river shows they can travel as far as 3000 kilometres in less than 100 days. Source:…

Plastic baby bottles shed millions of microplastics when shaken

The plastic bottles used to feed babies shed an average of 4 million microplastic particles per litre into infant formula, but the impact on child health is unclear Source:…

Mutant Enzyme Could Vastly Improve Recycling of Plastic Bottles

sciencehabit writes: Recycling isn’t as guilt-free as it seems. Only about 30% of the plastic that goes into soda bottles gets turned into new plastic, and it often ends up as a lower strength version. Now, researchers report they’ve engineered an enzyme that can convert 90% of that same plastic back to its pristine starting materials. Work is underway to scale…

Coke and Pepsi Sued For Creating a Plastic Pollution ‘Nuisance’

Coke, Pepsi, Nestle and other large companies are being sued by a California environmental group for creating a plastic pollution “nuisance” and misleading consumers about the recyclability of plastic. From a report: The suit, filed in San Mateo county superior court last week, argues that companies that sell plastic bottles and bags that end up polluting the ocean should be held…

Ocean Plastic Waste Probably Comes From Ships, Report Says

Most of the plastic bottles washing up on the rocky shores of Inaccessible Island, aptly named for its sheer cliffs rising from the middle of the South Atlantic, probably come from Chinese merchant ships, a study published this week said. From a report: The study offers fresh evidence that the vast garbage patches floating in the middle of oceans, which have…