Tons of acorns in your yard? It must be a mast year

Masting is what biologists call the pattern of trees for miles around synchronizing to all produce lots of seeds – or very few. Why and how do they get on schedule? Source:…

China has 50 per cent fewer pigs – but how many of them actually died?

The fight against African swine fever is intensifying, and millions of pigs have died. But we don’t know how much of the drop in numbers is due to reduced production Source:…

Surgeons Transplanted Pig Skin Onto Humans for the First Time

In a pathogen-free facility in Grafton, Massachusetts, a small town about 40 miles west of Boston, genetically engineered miniature pigs are being bred to donate their skin to humans. From a report: Their skin, which looks remarkably similar to the human variety and is referred to as Xeno-Skin, will be transplanted by surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital to a small group…

A quarter of all pigs have died this year due to African swine fever

The hunt is on for a vaccine for African swine fever, after a quarter of the world’s domestic pigs have died this year, including half of all the pigs in China Source:…

151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. & Their Characteristics

Check out 151 Types of Flowers common in the US. This guide is great for picking and choosing your very own garden, or custom bouquet! Scroll through to find your perfect bloom. —This post is courtesy of (Original publish date January 18, 2016), Shared with permission— 151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. &…Continue Reading
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