Huawei Turns To Pig Farming as Smartphone Sales Fall

Huawei is turning to technology for pig farmers as it deals with tough sanctions on its smartphones. From a report: The Chinese telecoms giant was stopped from accessing vital components after the Trump administration labelled it a threat to US national security. In response to struggling smartphone sales, Huawei is looking at other sources of revenue for its technology. Along with…

Scientists teach pigs how to play video games

A new study has demonstrated just how quickly pigs can adapt to tasks that were previously totally alien to them. The fact that pigs are remarkably in… Source:…

Elon Musk Says His Start-Up Neuralink Has Wired Up a Monkey To Play Video Games Using Its Mind

Tesla boss Elon Musk said in an interview late Sunday that a monkey has been wired up to play video games with its mind by a company he founded called Neuralink. CNBC reports: Neuralink put a computer chip into the monkey’s skull and used “tiny wires” to connect it to its brain, Musk said. “It’s not an unhappy monkey,” he said…

World’s oldest painting of animals discovered in an Indonesian cave

A painting showing three pigs has been discovered in an Indonesian cave. At more than 45,000 years old, it is the oldest known painting of animals anywhere in the world Source:…

The First Pig-to-Human Organ Transplants Could Happen This Year

Every day in the United States, 17 people die waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. To address this crisis, one biotech company is turning to an unlikely source: pigs. Maryland-based United Therapeutics says it plans to begin transplanting organs from genetically modified pigs into people as soon as this year. From a report: “We’re right on that cusp. We’re looking to…

FDA approves genetically engineered pigs for food and transplants

Pigs that have been genetically engineered to be free of a molecule that triggers meat allergies have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Source:

‘Amnesia: The Dark Descent’ and ‘A Machine For Pigs’ Are Now Open Source

Legendary horror game Amnesia: The Dark Descent and A Machine for Pigs is now open source, meaning that modders can dig in and see what lies underneath the hood of both games. Polygon reports: The full source code for The Dark Descent and A Machine for Pigs has been released on Github for folks who want to take a crack at…

Gene Editing To Produce ‘Super Dad’ Livestock

Scientists have produced gene-edited animals they say could serve as “super dads” or “surrogate sires.” The BBC reports: The pigs, goats, cattle and mice make sperm carrying the genetic material of donor animals. The researchers used a hi-tech gene editing tool to knock out a male fertility gene in animal embryos. The animals were born sterile, but began producing sperm after…

Cloned testicles let goats father the offspring of another male

Biologists have created pigs, goats and mice whose testicles produce the sperm of a different male and which breeders could use to pass on desirable traits to many more offspring than normally possible Source:…

The 61 Books Elon Musk Has Recommended on Twitter

Entrepreneur magazine writes:
Although his days are presumably filled with Tesla, SpaceX, cyber pigs and lots and lots of tweeting, it seems Elon Musk also finds the time to make reading part of his routine. The billionaire businessman is known for sharing (and oversharing) all his recommendations and thoughts on Twitter, so it’s no surprise that books are part of that. Most…