How to watch the Perseids in moonlight

You can avoid the moon during the 2019 Perseid meteor shower by watching in the days before the peak, in the hours before dawn. Or … you can embrace the moon. Here’s how to enjoy the Perseids in moonlight. Source:…

This Horrifying App Undresses a Photo of Any Woman With a Single Click

The $50 DeepNude app dispenses with the idea that deepfakes were about anything besides claiming ownership over women’s bodies.Source:…

Adobe’s Experimental AI Tool Can Tell If Something’s Been Photoshopped

Adobe and UC Berkeley researchers are working on tool that can tell if a photo has been manipulated in Adobe Photoshop. The goal is to cut down on fake content and “to increase trust and authority in digital media.” TheINQUIRER reports: A bunch of images were created using Photoshop’s “Face Aware Liquify” tool, and mixed with a set of expertly human-doctored…

When is the next Blue Moon?

You might know the definition of Blue Moon as the 2nd of 2 full moons in a calendar month. But there’s another kind of Blue Moon … coming up on May 18, 2019. Source:…