Top 12 brightest objects in the solar system

Can you name the top 12 brightest objects in the solar system? How many have you seen without the aid of binoculars or a telescope? Source:…

Young moon and Mercury in mid-January 2021

These next several days – January 14, 15 and 16, 2021 – you can spot the waxing crescent moon and innermost planet Mercury, near the sunset point. Source:…

Gimp Turns 25

New submitter thegreatbob shares a report: The General Image Manipulation Program, GIMP, has turned 25. A brief celebration post detailed how the package started life as a July 1995 Usenet thought bubble by then-student Peter Mattis, who posted the following to several newsgroups: Suppose someone decided to write a graphical image manipulation program (akin to photoshop). Out of curiosity (and maybe…

What’s a Blue Moon, and when is the next one?

We have a Blue Moon coming up on October 31, 2020. It’ll be called a Blue Moon because it’ll be the 2nd of 2 full moons in a single calendar month. And it’ll be near a bright red object in the sky, Mars! Source:…

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specializtion from DeepLearning.AI: Q&A with Sharon Zhou

Sharon Zhou is the instructor for the new Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specialization by DeepLearning.AI. This intermediate-level, three-course Specialization helps learners develop deep learning techniques to build powerful GANs models. Sharon is a CS PhD candidate at Stanford University, advised by Andrew Ng. Sharon’s work in AI spans from the theoretical to the applied — […]
The post Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)…

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specialization from DeepLearning.AI: Q&A with Sharon Zhou

Sharon Zhou is the instructor for the new Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Specialization by DeepLearning.AI. This intermediate-level, three-course Specialization helps learners develop deep learning techniques to build powerful GANs models. Sharon is a CS PhD candidate at Stanford University, advised by Andrew Ng. Sharon’s work in AI spans from the theoretical to the applied — […]
The post Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)…

Moon, Jupiter, Saturn in September 2020

Did you miss the moon’s sweep this week past our solar system’s biggest planets, Jupiter and Saturn? Here are a few photos – from the EarthSky Community – of that glorious night sky scene. Source:…

Using AI and Photoshop to Fake ‘Photos’ of Ancient Roman Emperors

Machine learning “can even bring ancient statues to life, transforming the chipped stone busts of long-dead Roman emperors into photorealistic faces you could imagine walking past on the street,” reports the Verge, citing a new project by a film-industry VR specialist. Slashdot reader shirappu summarizes their report:
Daniel Voshart’s work on creating life-life images of Roman emperors from their statues started as…

Is it possible to hear meteors?

Can you hear a meteor as it streaks overhead? Some people have reported hearing meteors with a sizzling sound like bacon frying. Scientists now say you can, and explain how it happens. Source:…

Lightroom App Update Wipes Users’ Photos and Presets, Adobe Says they are ‘Not Recoverable’

An anonymous reader shares a report: This morning, multiple readers wrote in to alert us to a major Adobe gaff. It seems the latest update to the Lightroom app for iPhone and iPad inadvertently wiped users’ photos and presets that were not already synced to the cloud. Adobe has confirmed that there is no way to get them back. The issue…