A Dictionary of Words Invented to Name Emotions We All Feel, But Don’t Yet Have a Name For: Vemödalen, Sonder, Chrysalism & Much More

Philosophers have always distrusted language for its slipperiness, its overuse, its propensity to deceive. Yet many of those same critics have devised the most inventive terms to describe things no one had ever seen. The Philosopher’s Stone, the aether, miasmas—images that made the ineffable concrete, if still invisibly gaseous. It’s important for us to see […]

A Dictionary of Words Invented to…

A Scientist’s Spiritual Awakening

Jeff Warren – Could quietening the mind be possible in our faced-paced, Western lives? Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/29/a-scientists-spiritual-awakening/…

21.16 – MU Podcast

Mavis Pittilla was initially a reluctant psychic. After a strange experience she began to see dead people Sixth Sense style and didn’t like it! On this episode of Mysterious Universe we follow her incredible story which involves psychic interactions with helper spirits and time portals in far away lands. Then in our Plus+ extension we… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/21-16-mu-podcast/…

The myth of rational thinking

Source: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/4/25/18291925/human-rationality-science-justin-smith…

North of Happiness – 5 States of Being That Will Launch You Past Happiness

Gary Z McGee – Many of us go through life thinking happiness is the be-all, end-all; the ultimate prize. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/21/north-of-happiness-5-states-of-being-that-will-launch-you-past-happiness/…

Wilderness Birthed the Mind

As the Earth radically changes, what happens to the wisdom that it has to offer us?
The post Wilderness Birthed the Mind appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source: https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/nature-and-mind/…

Billie Ellish, the neo-goth, chart-topping 17-year-old pop star, explained

Source: https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/4/18/18412282/who-is-billie-eilish-explained-coachella-2019…

Scientists: We kept pig brains alive 10 hours after death. Bioethicists: “Holy shit.”

Scientists hooked 32 dead pig brains up to a machine to revive them. And it worked. Around 15 minutes after a mammal’s brain is cut off from oxygen, the organ is supposed to die. Without life-giving oxygen, the cells of the brain quickly starve. Some of the cells burst open, while the chemistry of others… Continue reading Scientists: We kept pig brains alive 10 hours after death. Bioethicists: “Holy shit.”