What Happened When Tulsa Paid People to Work Remotely

Remember when Tulsa, Oklahoma offered $10,000 to remote workers who’d relocate to their city? It was an immensely popular program. “You have better odds of getting into Harvard or Yale than you do of getting into the Tulsa Remote program,” the city’s mayor told CityLab: All of the Remoters get a free one-year membership to the coworking space, though others prefer…

North of Happiness – 5 States of Being That Will Launch You Past Happiness

Gary Z McGee – Many of us go through life thinking happiness is the be-all, end-all; the ultimate prize. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/21/north-of-happiness-5-states-of-being-that-will-launch-you-past-happiness/…

The Path to Liberating Humanity is the Same as the Path to Liberating the Individual

Caitlin Johnstone, Contributor Waking Times The path to enlightenment is the process of becoming clearly aware of all the different aspects of the way you operate inside, which enables you to relate to life as it’s actually appearing instead of through the filters of old conditioned mental habits. The path to the liberation of our… Continue reading The Path to Liberating Humanity is the Same as the Path to Liberating the Individual