DIY Tomato Cages And Stakes To Properly Support Your Tomato Plants

No need to spend hundreds of dollars on store-bought tomato cages. You can make your own affordable, functional DIY cages and stakes straight from your homestead. Check out your options below! RELATED: All About Tomatoes: Your Spring Growing Guide | Homesteading Tips In this article: Standard Steel Mesh Tomato Cage Wooden Tomato Plant Obelisk Stake…Continue Reading
The post DIY Tomato Cages And…

Why People Are More Honest When Writing on Their Smartphones

The restaurant review that divulges distressing family dynamics. The Facebook post that rehashes an embarrassing encounter. The tweet that reveals a phobia few people know about. On our smartphones, we are quick to reveal private emotions and highly personal experiences to faceless strangers. From a report: Building on her earlier research that equated smartphones with adult pacifiers, Shiri Melumad, an assistant…

Lenovo Will Pre-load Ubuntu and Red Hat on All Its Workstations

TechRepublic calls it “a tectonic shift in the landscape… a massive company showing serious support for both Ubuntu Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.” Forbes reports:
Beginning this month, Lenovo will certify its ThinkStation PCs and ThinkPad P Series laptops for both Ubuntu LTS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Every single model, every single configuration across the entire workstation portfolio. [ZDNet adds…

From RealPlayer To Toshiba, Tech Companies Cash in on the Facial Recognition Gold Rush

At least 45 companies now advertise real-time facial recognition. From a report: More than a decade before Spotify, and years before iTunes, there was RealPlayer, the first mainstream solution to playing and streaming media to a PC. Launched in 1995, within five years RealPlayer claimed a staggering 95 million users. […] RealPlayer is still very much alive. Now called RealNetworks, a…

Linus Torvalds Dumps Intel For 32-core AMD Ryzen On His Personal PC

Linus Torvalds released Linux 5.7 rc7 today, saying it “looks very normal… none of the fixes look like there’s anything particularly scary going on.” But then he added something else:
[T]he biggest excitement this week for me was just that I upgraded my main machine, and for the first time in about 15 years, my desktop isn’t Intel-based. No, I didn’t switch…

Microsoft Launches Windows Terminal 1.0, Unveils GPU Support and Linux GUI Apps in WSL

At Build 2020 today, Microsoft gave developers a slew of new tools to coax them into using Windows over macOS or Linux. From a report: Windows Terminal is now out of preview for enterprises, and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2 is getting support for GPUs, Linux GUI apps, and a simplified install experience. Microsoft even released a Windows Package Manager…

The Future of NFC Includes Wireless Charging For Earbuds and Smartwatches

It might soon be much easier to buy a smartphone that can charge small devices like earbuds or smartwatches. From a report: The NFC Forum, responsible for near-field communications tech, has unveiled the Wireless Charging Specification (WLC). That will allow devices like chargers or smartphones, equipped with a single antenna, to transfer power to compatible devices at up to one watt,…

Microsoft Confirms Windows 10X is Coming To Laptops Amid Big Jump in Windows Usage

Microsoft is confirming today that it’s planning to refocus Windows 10X on single-screen devices. “The world is a very different place than it was last October when we shared our vision for a new category of dual-screen Windows devices,” explains Panos Panay, Microsoft’s Windows and devices chief. From a report: “With Windows 10X, we designed for flexibility, and that flexibility has…

USB 4 Will Fully Support DisplayPort 2, Including 8K HDR Monitors

VESA has announced that USB 4 will fully support the massive bandwidth available for the DisplayPort 2.0 standard, including support for 8K 60Hz HDR or even 16K 60Hz monitors. Engadget reports: Since USB 4 works at 40Gbps and DisplayPort 2.0 supports 80Gbps speeds, how will this work? USB 4 can actually send and receive at 40Gbps at the same time, so…

Canon’s New Software Will Turn Select EOS, PowerShot Cameras Into Webcams for Windows 10 PCs

An anonymous reader shares a report: As more and more people desire higher-quality video communication over internet while working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for webcams has increased dramatically, triggering incredibly high prices, sometimes three to four times over MSRP. And that’s if you can find one at all. To help bridge a growing gap, Canon has…