Has microbial life been found on Venus?

Is there microbial life in the atmosphere of Earth’s closest neighbor, Venus? An international team of astronomers has found tentative but highly compelling evidence. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/life-on-venus-phosphine-biosignatures…

Thin-Skinned Solar Panels Printed With Inkjet

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org: Solar cells can now be made so thin, light and flexible that they can rest on a soap bubble. The new cells, which efficiently capture energy from light, could offer an alternative way to power novel electronic devices, such as medical skin patches, where conventional energy sources are unsuitable. Until now, ultrathin organic…

Google Fixes Major Gmail Bug Seven Hours After Exploit Details Go Public

Google has patched on Wednesday a major security bug impacting the Gmail and G Suite email servers. From a report: The bug could have allowed a threat actor to send spoofed emails mimicking any Gmail or G Suite customer. According to security researcher Allison Husain, who found and reported this issue to Google in April, the bug also allowed attachers to…

Images show Martian night sky pulsing with ultraviolet light

Vast areas of Mars’ nightside atmosphere glow and pulsate with ultraviolet light, according to images from NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/mars-night-sky-ultraviolet-light-images…

Not a rainbow, not an iridescent cloud

There are many colored arcs in the sky. This photographer captured one commonly seen in summer, when the sun is high in the sky. Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/photo-circumhorizon-arc-new-mexico-august-2020…

Researcher Discovers New ‘HTTP Request Smuggling Attack’ Variants

Some scary new variants of “HTTP request smuggling” have been discovered by Amit Klein, VP of security research at SafeBreach, reports Security Week:
Specifically, an HTTP request smuggling attack, which can be launched remotely over the internet, can allow a hacker to bypass security controls, gain access to sensitive data, and compromise other users of the targeted app. While the attack method…

Satellites discover new penguin colonies from space

Satellite images have revealed 11 previously unknown emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica, identified by telltale reddish-brown guano stains the birds leave on the ice. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/satellite-new-emperor-penguin-colonies-from-space…

Earth’s magnetic field may change faster than we thought

A long-standing question has been how fast Earth’s magnetic field can change. The authors of a new study say they’ve uncovered some answers. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/earths-magnetic-field-change-faster-thought…

The awesome beauty of the Eagle Nebula

The Eagle Nebula – aka Messier 16 or M16 – is home to several well-known cosmic structures, including the stunning Pillars of Creation and Stellar Spire. Source: https://earthsky.org/clusters-nebulae-galaxies/the-awesome-beauty-of-m16-the-eagle-nebula…

New view of old light adds twist to debate over universe’s age

Observations of the cosmic microwave background by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope in Chile suggest that the universe is 13.8 billion years old. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/new-view-old-light-twist-debate-universes-age…