New Vulnerabilities Found In WPA3 WiFi Standard

Slashdot reader Artem S. Tashkinov writes: Mathy Vanhoef and Eyal Ronen have recently disclosed two new additional bugs impacting WPA3. The security researched duo found the new bugs in the security recommendations the WiFi Alliance created for equipment vendors in order to mitigate the initial Dragonblood attacks [found by the same two security researchers]. “Just like the original Dragonblood vulnerabilities from…

FTC To Hold Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Liable For Any Future Privacy Violations

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will have to personally answer to federal regulators under an agreement to settle a privacy case with the Federal Trade Commission that includes a $5 billion penalty for the giant social media company, the agency announced Wednesday. From a report: Separately, Facebook will pay $100 million to settle a case with the Securities and Exchange Commission for…

Don’t Put Your Work Email on Your Personal Phone

Many of us have given up on the idea of carrying around a dedicated work phone. After all, why bother when you can get everything you need on your personal smartphone? Here’s one reason: Your work account might be spying on you in the background. From a column: When you add a work email address to your phone, you’ll likely be…

Facebook Deceived Users About the Way It Used Phone Numbers, Facial Recognition, FTC To Allege in Complaint

The Federal Trade Commission plans to allege that Facebook misled users’ about its handling of their phone numbers as part of a wide-ranging complaint that accompanies a settlement ending the government’s privacy probe, Washington Post reported Tuesday, citing two people familiar with the matter. From the report: In the complaint, which has not yet been released, federal regulators take issue with…

Siemens Contractor Pleads Guilty To Planting Logic Bomb In Company Spreadsheets

Former Siemens contractor David Tinley faces up to 10 years in prison, a fine of $250,000, or both, for planting logic bombs inside spreadsheets he created for the company. The logic bomb would crash spreadsheets after a certain date, resulting in Siemens hiring the contractor to fix the latest bugs. ZDNet reports: According to court documents, Tinley provided software services for…

Slack Resets Passwords For 1% of Its Users Because of 2015 Hack

ZDNet: Slack published more details about a password reset operation that ZDNet reported earlier today. According to a statement the company published on its website, the password reset operation is related to the company’s 2015 security breach. In March 2015, Slack said hackers gained access to some Slack infrastructure, including databases storing user credentials. Hackers stole hashed passwords, but they also…

Is It Time To Get Rid Of The Caps Lock Key?

“At its worst, it’s a waste of precious space, an annoyance, a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist any more,” complains Daniel Colin James, a writer, developer, product manager. In a recent Medium essay, he called the Caps Lops key “an unnecessary holdover from a time when typewriters were the bleeding edge of consumer technology” — and even contacted the…

Can You Beat The World’s Worst User Interface?

Design firm Baggar writes:
A user assumes certain actions to be in a certain place or color because interface designers worldwide have been collaboratively educating users and feeding them these design-patterns. But what happens if we poke all good practice with a stick and stir it up? What if we don’t respect our self-created rules and expectations, and do everything the other…

International Crime Ring Suspected in 7-Eleven App Breach

On Monday, 7-Eleven launched a smartphone payment service for its 20,000 stores in Japan. By Thursday $510,000 had been stolen from the people using it — as many as 900 customers. Long-time Slashdot reader shanen shared this follow-up article, which points out that it’s also possible that email addresses and birth dates have been accessed from among the new app’s 1.5…

Why Is Slack Retaining Everyone’s Chat History?

The associate director of research at the Electronic Frontier Foundation published a new warning in the Opinion section of the New York Times this week, calling Slack the only unicorn going public this year “that has admitted it is at risk for nation-state attacks” and saying there’s a simple way to minimize risk — that Slack has so far refused to…