Ammonite review: Here’s the true story of palaeontologist Mary Anning

Mary Anning’s later life is explored in Ammonite, starring Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan. The film does a good job of showing the hard work involved in paleontology, but the portrayal of Anning isn’t entirely based on fact Source:…

Chance fossil discovery reveals ancient marine reptile

Scientists raced against a rising tide to recover a tantalizing fossil on an island in southeast Alaska. It turned out to be a species new to science. Source:…

Fossil reveals how feathered dinosaurs differed from birds

The fossil of this new-to-science dinosaur offers a view into dinosaur-bird evolution. Source:…

Tiny stature of extinct ‘Hobbit’ thanks to fast evolution

New research suggests that the tiny human species – that survived until about 18,000 years ago, later than any human species other than our own – evolved its small size remarkably quickly while living on an isolated island. Source:…

Fossils reveal new details about hadrosaur’s appearance

More evidence for a showy, fleshy snout for the hadrosaur, part of the family of duck-billed dinosaurs. These creatures lived 75 million years ago in what’s now northern Montana and southern Alberta, Canada. Source:…

New Statistical Study Links Sea Monster Descriptions to Dinosaur Discoveries

If they exist today, what exactly do sea serpents look like? If your description includes a long neck attached to a large bulky body, that doesn’t really sound like ‘serpent’ – does it? According to a new study, the portrayals of mythical creatures referred to as sea serpents changed during the 18th century as more… Read more » Source:…

Scientists Discover 42,000-Year-Old Liquid Blood in Preserved Foal

The well-preserved condition of the animal is giving hope to researchers trying to clone extinct animals. Source:…

Ancient ‘Texas Serengeti’ had rhinos, alligators, 12 kinds of horses

A new study of fossils unearthed by Depression-era workers reveal that camels, antelopes and relatives of modern elephants and dogs were among the animals that roamed a veritable “Texas Serengeti” millions of years ago. Source:…

Intricate Skin Impressions Still Visible on ‘Exquisitely Preserved’ Dinosaur Footprints

During the Early Cretaceous, a small two-legged dinosaur walked across a stretch of fine-grained mud following a rainstorm. The resulting footprints became locked in stone, but unlike other fossilized dinosaur tracks, these 120-million-year-old fossils show skin impressions across the entire footprint, in what is… Read more… Source: