Imperial College London Tackles a Big Question for Hepatitis C in China, India, and Pakistan

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a global public health scourge, infecting more than 70 million people worldwide and ultimately causing liver complications including cirrhosis and cancer in 10-20% of cases. HCV was responsible for more than 475,000 deaths worldwide in 2015, and future cases are projected to expand most in China, India, and Pakistan.  […]
The post Imperial College London Tackles…

India is Staring at a Water Apocalypse

A combination of climate change, bad policies and political apathy is steadily pushing India into a catastrophic water crisis that threatens stability in South Asia. From a report: Recent studies document that glaciers feeding the Indian subcontinent’s rivers will recede rapidly, while rapid ground water depletion poses an existential challenge to agriculture. The southwest monsoons remain the biggest source of water…

What’s the birthstone for May?

If you were born in May, your birthstone is the emerald, a type of beryl colored green by chromium. Perfect emeralds are among the rarest of gemstones. Source:…

Pakistani Scientists Discover Fungus that Can ‘Eat’ Plastic

Luke Miller – This mushroom could be the solution to the global plastic problem. Source:…

Sri Lanka Easter Sunday attacks: what we know


How women in Pakistan are creating political change | Shad Begum

Activist Shad Begum has spent her life empowering women to live up to their full potential. In a personal talk, she shares her determined struggle to improve the lives of women in her deeply religious and conservative community in northwest Pakistan — and calls for women around the world to find their political voice. “We must stand up for our…