Satellite data show 30% drop in air pollution over northeast U.S.

Satellite data show drop in air pollution over the major metropolitan areas of the U. S. Northeast. Source:…

Record-size Hole Opens in Ozone Layer Above the Arctic

A rare hole has opened up in the ozone layer above the Arctic, in what scientists say is the result of unusually low temperatures in the atmosphere above the north pole. From a report: The hole, which has been tracked from space and the ground over the past few days, has reached record dimensions, but is not expected to pose any…

A rare ozone hole is open over the Arctic

Since March 14, ozone over Earth’s Arctic has decreased to what’s normally considered ‘ozone hole levels.’ Scientists expect this year’s Arctic hole – the largest ever seen over the Arctic – to close again around mid-April 2020. Source:…

How To Get To Net Zero Carbon Emissions: Cut Short-Lived Superpollutants

Dan Drollette writes: We absolutely, positively, must tackle climate change speedily. Or as the authors of this article put it: ‘By ‘speed,’ we mean measures — including regulatory ones — that can begin within two-to-three years, be substantially implemented in five-to-10 years, and produce a climate response within the next decade or two.’ (Quick aside: one of the authors, Mario Molina,…

The ozone layer is healing and redirecting wind flows around the globe

The hole in the ozone layer is starting to recover thanks to regulations banning ozone-depleting substances, and this is now leading to changes in Earth’s atmosphere Source:…

NASA Sets 2022 Launch For Air Quality Sensor That Will Provide Hourly Updates Across North America

NASA is launching a new air quality measurement tool aboard a Maxar 1300-class satellite to help improve air quality forecasting. Called “TEMPO,” which stands for Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution, the new tool will provide hourly measurements of the levels of gases in the atmosphere over North America, including ozone, nitrogen dioxide and aerosols. TechCrunch reports: The TEMPO tool won’t launch…

Fingerprints Can Now Be Dated To Within a Day of When They Were Made

Writing in Analytical Chemistry, Paige Hinners and Young Jin Lee of Iowa State University say they have figured out an accurate way to data to within 24 hours when a fingerprint under a week old was made — and thus whether it is associated with a crime temporally, as well as spatially. The Economist reports: They knew from work conducted by…

Ozone hole recovery will probably be delayed by banned gas from China

The recovery of the ozone hole over Antarctica looks likely to be delayed at least two years by the illegal production of an ozone-destroying gas in China Source:…

Curiosity’s ‘mind-boggling’ new Mars mystery: oxygen

Scientists are still trying to figure out where Mars’ methane comes from. Now there’s a new mystery that might be connected: unusual fluctuations of oxygen in Mars’ atmosphere, detected by the Curiosity rover. Source:…