Check out this cool video map of known exoplanets

This short video, just over a minute long, takes you on a journey from 1991, when no exoplanets were known, to today’s 4,003+ known exoplanets. Why the plus? According to the NASA Exoplanet Archive, the number of known exoplanets has already jumped up to 4,031 and counting! Source:…

The mechanism for gamma-ray bursts from space is decoded

Gamma-ray bursts, short and intense flashes of energetic radiation coming from outer space, are the brightest explosions in the universe. As gamma rays are blocked by the atmosphere, the bursts were discovered accidentally in the late sixties by the Vela satellites, defense satellites sent to monitor manmade nuclear explosions in space. Source:…

Could light and noise from Earth attract attention from outer space?

Since the first use of electric lamps in the 19th century, society hasn’t looked back. Homes and streets are lit at all hours so that people can go about their business when they’d once have been asleep. Besides the obvious benefits to societies and the economy, there’s growing awareness of the negative impact of artificial light. Source:…

Women in space: How having more female astronauts benefits us all

Getting more women into space is essential if we’re ever to run longer missions or even set up colonies off-planet. To do so we need a better understanding of how human bodies will cope in outer space Source:…

After years of sexism in space we urgently need more female astronauts

Getting more women into space is essential if we’re ever to run longer missions or even set up colonies off-planet. To do so we need a better understanding of how human bodies will cope in outer space Source:…

What gives meteorites their shape? New research uncovers a ‘Goldilocks’ answer

Meteoroids coming from outer space are randomly shaped, but many of these, which land on earth as meteorites, are found to be carved into cones. Scientists have now figured out how the physics of flight in the atmosphere leads to this transformation. Source:…

5 Ingredients of an Entrepreneurial Mindset – According to Top Innovators

Whether you’re building your startup or pursuing “intrapreneurial” ventures within an established company, the journey of an innovator can be a rollercoaster of thrilling highs – and challenging lows. That’s why success isn’t just about having an entrepreneurial skillset – it’s about having the right mindset to carry you through the inevitable tough times.  You […]
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