Machine seems to repair human livers and keep them alive for a week

Donated human livers can be kept alive for seven days in a new machine. The device also seems to boost organ health and may enable more people to get transplants Source:…

Cell injection could train the body not to reject organ transplants

A one-off injection of cells could be a solution to the longstanding problem of the body rejecting an organ transplant Source:…

Anti-ageing drug rejuvenates the mouths and oral microbiome of mice

In the first treatment shown to rejuvenate oral health, a drug used for organ transplants has regenerated the bone in which teeth are embedded in mice Source:…

China Covers Up Killing Of Prisoners To Continue Harvesting Organs For Transplant: New Report

“Despite repeated denials, China stands accused of a systematic cover-up to hide the continuing practice of forced organ harvesting and murder,” reports Forbes’ cybersecurity writer Zak Doffman: The practice, described as “state-run mass murder” and valued at $1 billion each year, has supposedly been outlawed in the country. But a new report, published on November 14 in the BMC Medical Ethics…

Surgeons Transplanted Pig Skin Onto Humans for the First Time

In a pathogen-free facility in Grafton, Massachusetts, a small town about 40 miles west of Boston, genetically engineered miniature pigs are being bred to donate their skin to humans. From a report: Their skin, which looks remarkably similar to the human variety and is referred to as Xeno-Skin, will be transplanted by surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital to a small group…

In the Pancreas, Common Fungi May Drive Cancer

A new study found that certain fungi can settle in the pancreas, where they spur the growth of tumors. From a report: By now, you’ve probably heard that your body is teeming with bacteria. Some 100 trillion of them live on your skin, in your mouth and in the coils of your intestines. Some protect against infections and help you digest…