The First Pig-to-Human Organ Transplants Could Happen This Year

Every day in the United States, 17 people die waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. To address this crisis, one biotech company is turning to an unlikely source: pigs. Maryland-based United Therapeutics says it plans to begin transplanting organs from genetically modified pigs into people as soon as this year. From a report: “We’re right on that cusp. We’re looking to…

Cell injection could train the body not to reject organ transplants

A one-off injection of cells could be a solution to the longstanding problem of the body rejecting an organ transplant Source:…

China Covers Up Killing Of Prisoners To Continue Harvesting Organs For Transplant: New Report

“Despite repeated denials, China stands accused of a systematic cover-up to hide the continuing practice of forced organ harvesting and murder,” reports Forbes’ cybersecurity writer Zak Doffman: The practice, described as “state-run mass murder” and valued at $1 billion each year, has supposedly been outlawed in the country. But a new report, published on November 14 in the BMC Medical Ethics…

Surgeons Transplanted Pig Skin Onto Humans for the First Time

In a pathogen-free facility in Grafton, Massachusetts, a small town about 40 miles west of Boston, genetically engineered miniature pigs are being bred to donate their skin to humans. From a report: Their skin, which looks remarkably similar to the human variety and is referred to as Xeno-Skin, will be transplanted by surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital to a small group…