New York Governor Promises Net Neutrality Legislation In 2020

Last week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called for a state net neutrality law as part of his 2020 legislative agenda, joining states like California in proposing a law to ensure his state’s internet users have access to a free and open internet. CNET reports: Cuomo’s plan comes two years after the Federal Communications Commission repealed Obama-era net neutrality protections, which…

How Chinese Sci-Fi Conquered America

From a report: When the English translation of “The Three-Body Problem” was published in 2014, it was hailed as a groundbreaking work of speculative fiction. President Barack Obama praised the novel, calling it “just wildly imaginative.” Mark Zuckerberg recommended it to his tens of millions of Facebook followers; George R.R. Martin blogged about it. Publishers around the world chased after translation…

Global carbon emissions up 0.6 per cent as oil and gas grow in 2019

Global carbon emissions grew this year, but continued to fall in the US despite Donald Trump’s pro-coal rhetoric and his rollback of Barack Obama’s clean power plan Source:…

How Lax Oversight Of Electronic Health Records Puts Patients At Risk

Plans to ensure patient safety as the nation transitioned to electronic health records have yet to come to fruition a decade later, according to a new report. From an investigation: In fall 2009, several dozen of the best minds in health information technology huddled at a hotel outside Washington, D.C., to discuss potential dangers of an Obama White House plan to…

Announcing the Essential Skills Playbook

By Leah Belsky, VP of Enterprise, Coursera Today we launched the Essential Skills Playbook, and I couldn’t be more excited to bring this to business and governments around the world committed to investing in skill development.  The Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us, and with it comes a new era of digital transformation (DX)—an era […]
The post Announcing the Essential Skills…

Undercover Reporter Reveals Life In a Polish Troll Farm

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: It is as common an occurrence on Polish Twitter as you are likely to get: a pair of conservative activists pouring scorn on the country’s divided liberal opposition. “I burst out laughing!” writes Girl from oliborz, a self-described “traditionalist” commenting on a newspaper story about a former campaign adviser to Barack Obama…

Revisited: Former Obama pilot’s UFO encounter

The pilot who once flew Senator Barack Obama had a surreal experience with an unidentified flying object. Speaking in an interview with Lisa Kennedy M… Source:…

Google Made Large Contributions To Climate Change Deniers

The Guardian is reporting that Google has made “substantial” contributions to some of the most notorious climate deniers in Washington despite its insistence that it supports political action on the climate crisis. McGruber writes: Among hundreds of groups the company has listed on its website as beneficiaries of its political giving are more than a dozen organisations that have campaigned against…

The Most Detailed Map of Auto Emissions In America

The New York Times published findings from an analysis of new data released through Boston University’s Database of Road Transportation Emissions. The map embedded in the report shows a year’s worth of CO2 from passenger and freight traffic on every road in the United States. From the report: The database provides the most detailed estimates available of local on-road CO2 over…