Hubble sees the brightest kilonova yet

Observations by the Hubble Space Telescope reveal intense infrared radiation from an unusual kilonova probably created by the collision of neutron stars. Source:…

What is a supernova?

A supernova is a star’s colossal explosion at the end of its life, potentially outshining its entire galaxy. Read about the causes and types of supernovae here. Source:…

Walmart Ends Contract With Robotics Company, Opts For Human Workers Instead

According to The Wall Street Journal, Walmart has cut ties with Bossa Nova Robotics, opting for human workers instead. CNBC reports: A Walmart spokesperson told the Journal that about 500 robots were in Walmart’s more than 4,700 stores when the contract ended. According to the Journal’s report, Walmart has come up with simple and cost-effective ways to manage the products on…

Moon sweeps by Jupiter and Saturn October 21 to 23

These next several evenings – October 21, 22 and 23, 2020 – watch for the waxing moon to sweep by the gas giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Source:…

Researchers obtain special photometric behaviors of novae-like system and confirm evidence of disk wind

Ph.D. student Fang Xiaohui, and Prof. Qian Shengbang from Yunnan Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and collaborators analyzed the long-term photometric data of the nova-like SW Sextantis (SW Sex), and found that the light variation of this object shows a possible quasi-periodic oscillation with the time-scale of about ten years. Combined with the change of the orbital period, they…

What are white dwarf stars?

White dwarfs are dead stars. A single white dwarf contains roughly the mass of our sun in a volume no bigger than our planet. Our sun will become a white dwarf someday. Source:…

A nova, briefly visible in southern skies

Astronomers have spotted a classical nova outburst in a type of variable star that involves a white dwarf orbiting a main sequence star. Nova Reticulum 2020 has been briefly visible from the Southern Hemisphere. Source:…

Astronomers observe nova V659 Sct during outburst

Using the TIGRE telescope, astronomers have conducted spectroscopic observations of recently discovered nova known as V659 Sct during multiple phases of its outburst. Results of this observational campaign, presented in a paper published June 24 on the arXiv pre-print server, shed more light on the properties of this event. Source:…