Some of China’s ‘996’ Tech Tribe Quit, Seek Less Stress

An increasingly growing number of millennials in China are beginning to question the value of working long hours in the tech sector and deviate from the longstanding 996 work environment (working 9am to 9pm for six days a week) that many local companies religiously follow. From a report: In April, protests from tech employees against excessive overtime surfaced online, sparking an…

The oldest known tree in eastern North America

Scientists say a bald cypress tree in the North Carolina wetlands is at least 2,624 years old. Source:…

Asteroid strike simulation blasts New York City

It seems like play, but they’re serious. Every year, at the Planetary Defense Conference, asteroid experts from around the globe run days-long simulations of asteroids headed for major cities. In 2019, it was New York City’s turn. Source:…

When does Ramadan begin in 2019?

Earliest sightings of a young crescent in the west after sunset mark the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. When will the UAE’s moon-sighting committee see this month’s young moon? If they’re using binoculars and telescopes (and have clear skies), they might see it May 5. For the eye alone, the date is probably May 6. Source:…

New moon is May 4

You can’t see a new moon; it’s between the Earth and sun and crosses the sky with the sun throughout the day. Will you see the returning young crescent moon in the west after sunset May 5? Maybe, with effort. The young moon will sweep past Mars around May 6 to 8. Source:…

Buddha Buzz Weekly: Paying Respects

Buddhists across the world pray for the Sri Lanka church-bombing victims and US senators pay a visit to Thich Nhat Hanh in Vietnam. Tricycle looks back at the events of this week in the Buddhist world.
The post Buddha Buzz Weekly: Paying Respects appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

The American Bumblebee Is Facing Extinction in Canada

A new study found that American bumblebees are in big trouble up north.Source:…

Our incel problem
