Ask Slashdot: What Are You Doing To Help?

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: With all the news stories about how the pandemic is impacting our world, some of us have been just plain lucky. As an information worker, I was already working from home, so I still have my full-time job — and my full-time income. So my question is, if we really are all “in this together,” then…

GitHub Faces More Resignations In Light of ICE Contract

TechCrunch reports that another employee, engineer Alice Goldfuss, has resigned from GitHub over the company’s $200,000 contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). From the report: In a tweet, Goldfuss said GitHub has a number of problems to address and that “ICE is only the latest.” Meanwhile, Vice reports at least five staffers quit today. These resignations come the same day…

Private Space Race Targets Greenhouse Gas Emitters

Several startups and nonprofit organizations are using methane-tracking microsatellites to help companies understand the emissions levels of their business operations, and hold the worst polluters accountable. The satellites focus on tracking methane as it has 80 times the warming power of CO2, and is blamed for more than a quarter of the earth’s 0.8 degree Celsius temperature rise since the Industrial…

In ‘Bold Experiment’, Facebook Creates Independent ‘Oversight Board” For Content Decisions

Facebook is being applauded for a new “bold experiment” in content decision-making by tech journalist Larry Magid, a founding member (for the last 10 years) of what he describes as “the less powerful Facebook Safety Advisory Board, which is composed of safety experts mostly representing nonprofit organizations in several countries…. “We are not empowered to overrule Facebook’s management.”
Facebook is a company,…