Survey Finds Only 3% of Ruby on Rails Developers Use Windows

This week saw the release of the 2020 Ruby on Rails Community Survey Results:
2,049 members of the Rails community from 92 countries kindly contributed their thoughts on tools, frameworks, and workflows in their day to day development lives. From these responses we hope to get an understanding of where Rails stands as a framework in 2020. Some of these questions have…

‘The Future of American Industry Depends On Open Source Tech’

An anonymous reader shares an opinion piece from Wired, written by Kevin Xu and Jordan Schneider. Xu is the author of Interconnected, investor and advisor of open source startups at OSS Capital, and served in the Obama White House. Schneider is the author of the ChinaTalk newsletter and host of the ChinaTalk podcast, posted on Lawfare. From the report: Open source…

Remembering the Golden Age of Computer User Groups

Slashdot reader #16,185 wrote regularly for the newsletter of a small-town computer users group. Now they’ve written an article for Ars Technica reminding readers that “The Homebrew Computer Club where the Apple I got its start is deservedly famous — but it’s far from tech history’s only community gathering centered on CPUs.” Throughout the 70s and into the 90s, groups around…

Born under the sign of Ophiuchus?

Born between November 29 and December 18? If so, the sun passes in front of Ophiuchus on your birthday. Source:…

Sagittarius? Here’s your constellation

How to find Sagittarius on August evenings, plus the lore and science of this constellation. Source:…

Mars landings: ‘7 minutes of terror’

To celebrate the 8-year anniversary of Curiosity rover’s arrival on Mars, here’s a video on the final 7 minutes of its chilling descent on August 5-6, 2012. Source:…

What’s the August birthstone?

Happy birthday, August babies! Your month has 2 birthstones, peridot and sardonyx. Source:…