Monster penguin was as tall as a person

An extinct species of giant penguin – over 5 feet (1.6 meters) tall – has been identified from fossils found in New Zealand. Source:…

Australia Plans To Block Domains That Host Terrorist Material During Crisis Situations

Australia laid out some of the country’s first concrete steps to make good on its promise of combating the spread of extremism online at this year’s G7 leader’s forum, Reuters reported Sunday. From a report: Officials said the government intends to cut off all access to any internet domain that fails to block terrorist material during a crisis event, and legislation…

Moon and Taurus before dawn August 23-25

Taurus has an easy-to-see V shape. You can see how the Bull got its name! The waning moon can guide your eye on the mornings of August 23, 24 and 25, 2019. Source:…

Moon, Jupiter, Saturn … Perseid meteors?

The Perseid meteor shower is rising to its peak, so there’s bound to be some fist-shaking this weekend at that bright moon. But the moon can also guide you to Jupiter and Saturn on August 9, 10 and 11, 2019. Source:…