Sportsbet Says It Will Pay Out Early On Biden As US President

Anonymouse Cowtard writes: When you’re holding millions in bets on the favorite, you don’t take the decision to payout lightly. Betting agencies are often good barometers for political polls, but Sportsbet has been stung before. They incorrectly paid out on bets for the Labor Party in Australia to win two days before the election was held, assuming a victory would come…

How to see anticrepuscular rays

Next time you see crepuscular rays – sunrays – at sunrise or sunset, turn around. Source:…

Tesla Co-Founder Aims To Build World’s Top Battery Recycler

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Tesla co-founder J.B. Straubel wants to build his startup Redwood Materials into the world’s top battery recycling company and one of the largest battery materials companies, he said at a technology conference Wednesday. Straubel aims to leverage two partnerships, one with Panasonic, the Japanese battery manufacturer that is teamed with Tesla at the…

What’s the birthstone for October?

If you were born in October, your birth month has 2 birthstones: opal and tourmaline. Source:…

Hacker Publishes Info On Las Vegas-Area Students After Demanding Ransom

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Business Insider: Last month, Las Vegas’ largest public school district announced that a hacker compromised some of its files using ransomware and was holding the files hostage while demanding a ransom payment. Now, a hacker has published files containing students’ grades and personal information after school district officials refused to pay the ransom. Brett…

In Internet Dead Zones, Rural Schools Struggle With Distanced Learning

An anonymous reader shares a report: The past seven months have been a big strain on families like Mandi Boren’s. The Borens are cattle ranchers on a remote slice of land near Idaho’s Owyhee Mountains. They have four kids — ranging from a first grader to a sophomore in high school. When the lockdown first hit, Boren first thought it might…

Tesla Wins Lawsuit Against Whistleblower Accused of Hacks

An anonymous reader writes: The US District Court of Nevada awarded Tesla a win in its lawsuit against a former employee, filed two years ago. You may recall CEO Elon Musk referred to this incident in a previously leaked email calling on employees to be “extremely vigilant.” Martin Tripp, who worked at the company’s Nevada Gigafactory, was accused of hacking the…

CEO of Cyber Fraud Startup NS8 Arrested By FBI, Facing Fraud Charges

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Forbes: The CEO of a startup that sold fraud prevention software is facing fraud charges after he was arrested Thursday by the FBI in Las Vegas. Adam Rogas, who abruptly resigned from NS8 earlier this month, is accused of misleading investors who poured in $123 million to his company earlier this year, a deal…

‘Apocalyptic’ skies across U.S. West this week

Video of the weirdly orange skies across the U.S. West this week, created by massive wildfires that incinerated several communities in Oregon in the past 2 days and blotted out the sun in San Francisco yesterday. Source:…

The launch and landing of China’s reusable spacecraft

Although few details are known, and no images have been released, the Chinese did apparently launch a reusable spacecraft on September 4, 2020. It appears to have deployed a satellite to orbit and then returned to Earth safely 2 days later. Source:…