Microsoft Launches Decentralized Identity Tool on Bitcoin Blockchain

Microsoft is launching the first decentralized infrastructure implementation by a major tech company that is built directly on the bitcoin blockchain. From a report: The open source project, called Ion, deals with the underlying mechanics of how networks talk to each other. For example, if you log onto Airbnb using Facebook, a protocol deals with the software that sends the personal…

5G Networks Will Likely Interfere With US Weather Satellites, Navy Warns

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: A U.S. Navy memo warns that 5G mobile networks are likely to interfere with weather satellites, and senators are urging the Federal Communications Commission to avoid issuing new spectrum licenses to wireless carriers until changes are made to prevent harms to weather forecasting. The FCC has already begun an auction of 24GHz…

Huawei Says It is Willing To Sign ‘No-Spy’ Agreements With Governments

Huawei is willing to sign no-spy agreements with governments, including Britain, the Chinese telecommunications company’s chairman said on Tuesday as the United States pressures European countries to shun the firm over spying concerns. From a report: Washington has told allies not to use Huawei’s technology to build new 5G telecommunications networks because of worries it could be a vehicle for Chinese…

Microsoft Moves Windows 10 Closer To A Future Without Passwords

“Microsoft has very quietly confirmed the death of Windows 10 passwords this week,” claims Forbes — though I think they may be overstating things a bit:
Microsoft’s crypto, identity and authentication team group manager, Yogesh Mehta, has made an announcement that he says puts “the 800 million people who use Windows 10 one step closer to a world without passwords….” Mehta confirmed…

28 years old and closer than ever to the solving of the mistery of the Majorana particles

Gazibegović, Ph.D. candidate in the group of prof. Erik Bakkers at the department of Applied Physics, developed a device made of ultrathin networks of nanowires in the shape of “hashtags.” This device allows pairs of Majorana particles to exchange position and keep track of the changes occurred, in a phenomenon known as “braiding.” This event is considered as a striking proof…

28 years old and closer than ever to the solving of the mystery of the Majorana particles

Gazibegović, Ph.D. candidate in the group of prof. Erik Bakkers at the department of Applied Physics, developed a device made of ultrathin networks of nanowires in the shape of “hashtags.” This device allows pairs of Majorana particles to exchange position and keep track of the changes occurred, in a phenomenon known as “braiding.” This event is considered as a striking proof…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – April 2019

We released over 60 new courses in the month of April, including exciting courses ranging from strategic thinking to data wrangling, deep learning, and Amazon Web Services. Here are our top 5 courses for April: Strategic management: Be competitive, Macquarie University – The ability to think strategically in today’s global, high-tech business environment is critical […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

Donald Trump spent Saturday retweeting far-right personalities. Then he told them they’re right.


Mainstream Media Now Calling for the Arrest of “Antivaxxers”

Matt Agorist – The Washington Post published an article this week that called for rounding up “antivaxxers” and throwing them in jail. Source:…

Data Science Programs That Set You Up for Long-Term Success

Pick from top data science courses to unlock career opportunities There is a massive shortage of data scientists in the U.S. as companies compete for the talent necessary to unlock the benefits of big data. The University of Illinois and University of Michigan’s data science degrees provide their students with the tools necessary to take […]
The post Data Science Programs That…