Google Will Make It Slightly Easier To Turn Off Smart Features

“[I]n the coming weeks,” Google will show a new blanket setting to “turn off smart features” which will disable features like Smart Compose, Smart Reply, in apps like Gmail; the second half of the same prompt will disable whether additional Google products — like Maps or Assistant, for example — are allowed to be personalized based on data from Gmail, Meet,…

New Federal Rules Limit Police Searches of Family Tree DNA Databases

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Science Magazine: The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) released new rules yesterday governing when police can use genetic genealogy to track down suspects in serious crimes — the first-ever policy covering how these databases, popular among amateur genealogists, should be used in law enforcement attempts to balance public safety and privacy concerns. The DOJ…

Mainstream Media Now Calling for the Arrest of “Antivaxxers”

Matt Agorist – The Washington Post published an article this week that called for rounding up “antivaxxers” and throwing them in jail. Source:…

Senators Introduce Bill That Would Ban Websites From Using Manipulative Consent Forms

Platforms are very good at encouraging users to sign away the rights to their data. However, a new bill introduced to the US Senate might make certain strategies illegal. The Deceptive Experiences To Online Users Reduction (DETOUR) Act—introduced by US Senators Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Deb Fischer (R-NE)—would make certain ways that companies try… Continue reading Senators Introduce Bill That Would Ban Websites From Using Manipulative Consent Forms