Lumpy flint figurines may be some of the earliest depictions of real people

Unusual flint artifacts discovered in Jordan from about 7500 B.C. may have portrayed individual people in burial rituals, and could explain why human images became widespread in the Neolithic Near East. Source:

‘Astonishing discovery’ of massive prehistoric circle near Stonehenge

An ancient circle of deep trenches has been found near Stonehenge. Scientists say the newly discovery site offers insights into the lives of people who lived in the area 4,500 years ago. Source:…

Celebrate solstice sunrise at Stonehenge live online

This year, solstice celebrations at Stonehenge monument are canceled due to Covid-19. But for the 1st time, you can celebrate the 1st sunrise of summer from Stonehenge online. Source:…

The stunning east Asian city that dates to the dawn of civilisation

The mysterious Liangzhu civilisation was a neolithic “Venice of the East”, rivalling ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia with its engineering marvels Source:…

Bones of Neolithic immigrants killed in massacre found in Spanish cave

The bones of nine Neolithic people found in a cave in northern Spain suggest they were killed and then beaten after death, in a massacre that may have been caused by their migration into the region more than 7,000 years ago. Source:

Ötzi the Iceman’s final days

Scientists have identified ancient mosses in, on and around the 5,300-year-old glacier mummy that add to the story of the final 48 hours before his murder. Source:…

February birthstone is the amethyst

Are you a February baby? Here’s some cool info about your birthstone, the amethyst. Plus pics! Source:…