Cory Doctorow Crowdfunds His New Audiobook to Protest Amazon/Audible DRM

Science fiction writer Cory Doctorow (also a former EFF staffer and activist) explains why he’s crowdfunding his new audiobook online. Despite the large publishers for his print editions, “I can’t get anyone to do my audiobooks. Amazon and its subsidiary Audible, which controls 90% of the audiobook sales, won’t carry any of my audiobooks because I won’t let them put any…

Neil Gaiman, William Shatner Join ‘Read-a-Thon’ Celebrating Ray Bradbury’s 100th Birthday

An anonymous reader quotes Rolling Stone:
To mark what would have been author Ray Bradbury’s 100th birthday on August 22nd, the Library of Congress, the Los Angeles Public Library and libraries from across the nation have banded together for a virtual “read-a-thon” dedicated to Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. Actors William Shatner and Rachel Bloom, authors Susan Orlean, Marlon James and Neil Gaiman and…

Authors, Publishers Condemn the ‘National Emergency Library’ As ‘Piracy’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: Last week, when the Internet Archive announced its “National Emergency Library,” expanding access to more than a million digitized works, the group explained the move as a goodwill gesture in the time of coronavirus. With so many brick-and-mortar libraries forced to close their doors, in other words, the group was opening up its…

Kickstarter Defends Firings As Not Anti-Union, But Strong Criticism Continues

“Kickstarter’s CEO Aziz Hasan sent an email to staff Friday, explaining why the company fired two staff members and laid off another who played an instrumental role in organizing a union at the company…” reports Motherboard:
Hasan insisted that the firings were related specifically to job performance issues, not union organizing. “We understood how these firings could be perceived, but it would…

In the First Lucifer Season Four Trailer, Original Sin Brings the Devil to His Knees

While Lucifer might not yet be a redeemed show, it’s found a second life on Netflix, where its upcoming fourth season is set to drop in early May. In the first full trailer for the new season, all’s generally well in Lucifer’s little self-made paradise, but all it takes is the return of an age-old love to knock the…Read more…Source:…

American Gods Borrowed Some Magic From the Marvel Cinematic Universe This Week

Picture it: A group of ancient gods walk into a bar to put on a variety show, and two of the deities—the oldest and the youngest—have a falling out of epic proportions. A question similar to “what were you the god of, again?” is posed in an alley, and all hell breaks loose. This sort of stuff happens on American…

American Gods Has a Lynching Problem

Though the scene wasn’t part of the original novel, the lynching that takes place in the very first episode of Starz’s American Gods was a statement from showrunners Bryan Fuller and Michael Green about the kind of story they wanted to tell—one where reflections on the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade become… Read more…… Continue reading American Gods Has a Lynching Problem