Google/EdX Are Charging $298 For Their Remake of a Free 2012 How-to-Google Course

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: After near death, MOOCs are booming during the coronavirus pandemic, reported the NY Times in May. That news apparently wasn’t lost on Google and EdX, who on Thursday announced they’ve teamed up and are asking $298 (temporarily reduced to $268.20!) for Google’s Power Searching with Google XSeries Program (learn “how to create an effective search query…

Cringely Predicts 2020 Will See ‘the Death of IT’

Long-time technology pundit Robert Cringely writes:
IT — Information Technology — grew out of something we called MIS — Management Information Systems — but both meant a kid in a white shirt who brought you a new keyboard when yours broke. Well, the kid is now gone, sent home with everyone else, and that kid isn’t coming back… ever. IT is near…