America’s NSA Challenges Students With A Codebreaking Competition, Then Recruits Them

This year America’s National Security Agency (NSA) is once again “developing a cyber challenge and daring more than 330 schools and 2,600 students to solve it,” writes Federal News Network. Slashdot reader eatvegetables shares their report:
Kathy Hutson, the senior strategist for industry and academic engagement at the NSA, said the Codebreaker Challenge has become one of the best ways to attract…

House Lawmakers Demand End To Warrantless Collection of Americans’ Data

Two House lawmakers are pushing an amendment that would effectively defund a massive data collection program run by the National Security Agency unless the government promises to not intentionally collect data of Americans. TechCrunch reports: The bipartisan amendment — just 15 lines in length — would compel the government to not knowingly collect communications — like emails, messages and browsing data…

In Baltimore and Beyond, a Stolen NSA Tool Wreaks Havoc

For nearly three weeks, Baltimore has struggled with a cyberattack by digital extortionists that has frozen thousands of computers, shut down email and disrupted real estate sales, water bills, health alerts and many other services. From a report: But here is what frustrated city employees and residents do not know: A key component of the malware that cybercriminals used in the…

Edward Snowden: Without Russian Asylum, ‘I Would Be in Guantanamo or Dead’

In this week’s CYBER podcast, we sat down with Edward Snowden to talk about his life in Russia, Julian Assange, and press freedom.Source:…

Edward Snowden Explains Why the CIA Just Made an Instagram

“They get Twitter accounts. Instagram accounts (with) puppies and everything like that, because they want to be friendly. They want to be on your side.”Source:…

Edward Snowden: Assange’s Arrest and the Mueller Report Show a ‘Two-Tiered System of Justice’

In this week’s CYBER podcast, we sat down with Edward Snowden to talk about his life in Russia, Julian Assange, and press freedom.Source:…

The Secret Surveillance of Princess Diana

Government agencies around the world have declassified a wealth of documents on numerous celebrity figures. There can be no doubt, however, that those same agencies, and many more, continue to withhold materials on other famous individuals, most notably on the late Diana, Princess of Wales. Along with her lover Dodi Fayed and driver Henri Paul,… Continue reading The Secret Surveillance of Princess Diana