Alphecca, the jewel in the Northern Crown

Alphecca. Gemma. Alpha Coronae Borealis or simply Alpha Cor Bor. They’re all names for one star – the brightest star in the constellation Northern Crown. Source:…

How a Professor Beat Roulette, Crediting a Non-Existent Supercomputer

I loved this story. The Hustle remembers how in 1964 a world-renowned medical professor found a way to beat roulette wheels, kicking off a five-year winning streak in which he amassed $1,250,000 ($8,000,000 today).
He noticed that at the end of each night, casinos would replace cards and dice with fresh sets — but the expensive roulette wheels went untouched and often…

The parenting myth: How kids are raised matters less than you think

DNA is more important to a child’s personality, exam results and future income than the way they are brought up – but that’s good news, says geneticist Robert Plomin Source:…

Look for the legendary green flash

A sea horizon is best for seeing a green flash, but any distant, flat horizon will do. Look at the last moment before the sun sets. Source:…

Greta Thunberg became a climate activist not in spite of her autism, but because of it


Teen girls are now poisoning themselves at alarming rates. There are ways to help.


The myth of rational thinking


How neuroscience is exploding the myth of male and female brains

Stereotypes of how biological sex influences ability and behaviour abound – but the latest research reveals a very different story, says Gina Rippon Source:…