Scientists find new surprises about Titan’s lakes

Cassini data now reveal that some of Titan’s lakes are surprisingly deep. Source:…

Curious Tales of Mysterious Scottish Water Spirits

When people think of Scotland and strange things in the water, they are likely going to envision the famous Loch Ness Monster of Loch Ness. This is the common image of strange aquatic anomalies in the country, and it has been a mainstay of the world of the paranormal for a very long time. Yet,… Read more » Source:…

Incident on SpaceX pad could delay its first manned flight

A mysterious but apparently serious incident occurred Saturday in Cape Canaveral, Florida involving the SpaceX capsule intended to carry American astronauts into space late this year, the private company and NASA announced. Source:…

Akron’s ‘Pond Monster’ Versus Ohio’s Many Water Cryptids

Have you ever wondered why Ohio doesn’t have an official state monster? Me neither, but one reason might be it has too many mythical creatures, swimming monsters and other strange cryptids to choose just one. If the Loveland Frogman, the Minerva Monster, the Grassman or any other Buckeye State beasts are planning to lobby the… Read more » Source:…

UFOs, Rocket Tests, and “Demented” Animals

Of the many and varied documents that the CIA has declassified, and which reference UFOs, one of the strangest is titled “Somaliland President Egal Speaks On Mysterious Bomb Blast.” It was placed into the public domain in 1999 and describes events which occurred three years earlier. The document was shared with the staff of a… Read more » Source:…

‘Chupacabra’ Kills 71 Animals and Drains Their Blood in Mexico

It was not a dog; it was something tremendous. So read the headline in Mexican newspaper El Mexicano this week as farmers in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua reported the discovery of over 70 animals brutally mutilated by an unidentified-yet-eerily-familiar creature. Has el chupacabra claimed another victim – er, 71 victims? It’s possible. That is, if the… Read more » Source:…

New NASA Mission Will Measure the Mysterious Glow of Earth’s Plants

Packed alongside supplies and equipment bound for the International Space Station on an otherwise routine SpaceX resupply run, something rather special is headed to orbit next week: a refrigerator-sized instrument that’ll measure the glow of Earth’s plant life.Read more…Source:…

Arthur Conan Doyle and a Bizarre Mystery

Over the last couple of decades, I have spent a lot of time digging into matters relative to Bigfoot, the Men in Black, the Chupacabra, Roswell, and lake-monsters. But, back when I was in my early teens, I was exposed to something else. It was as chilling as it was downright bizarre. And it was… Read more » Source:…

Unidentified Aquatic Creature Caught on Camera in Ohio

Reports of mysterious and unidentified creatures are fairly common, but it’s much rarer for eyewitnesses to actually get them on camera (not to mention the fact that many cryptids have a seemingly magical ability to render all photographs blurry or cause cameras to malfunction). That all changed this week in Akron, Ohio as wildlife experts… Read more » Source:…