‘The Largest Nuclear Bomb Ever Detonated’ Explored in Declassified Russian Footage

“The blast was over 3,000 times bigger than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima,” reports Smithsonian magazine: Hydrogen bombs are so destructive, their impact has been described as unthinkable throughout history. Recently declassified Russian footage of the 1961 Tsar Bomba hydrogen bomb test shows why. The 40-minute documentary, which was posted on YouTube on August 20, shows footage of the largest bomb…

Should the U.K. Government Form a Coalition to Buy ARM?

With SoftBank’s Masayoshi Son trying to sell ARM, a columnist for the Observer newspaper has a suggestion for the U.K. government (and specifically Brexit Tories), calling the Cambridge-based company “a kind of public-interest commercial company: licensing state-of-the art instruction sets that can be implemented in silicon architecture by everyone. It was in nobody’s pocket.” Its business, as its chief founder, Tudor…

Hundreds of thousands of slime moulds can merge together to find food

These strange, mushroom-like structures are the reproductive phase of a type of slime mould, complex amoebae that feed on bacteria on forest floors Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24732901-300-hundreds-of-thousands-of-slime-moulds-can-merge-together-to-find-food/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Scientists Create Glowing Plants Using Mushroom Genes

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Emitting an eerie green glow, they look like foliage from a retro computer game, but in fact they are light-emitting plants produced in a laboratory. Researchers say the glowing greenery could not only add an unusual dimension to home decor but also open up a fresh way for scientists to explore the…

What is pareidolia?

Seeing a dog in a patch of clouds, or a face in the moon, are examples of what’s called pareidolia. Look here for photos to test your own ability to see things that aren’t there. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/seeing-things-that-arent-there…

Organic molecules discovered by Curiosity Rover consistent with early life on Mars: study

Organic compounds called thiophenes are found on Earth in coal, crude oil and oddly enough, in white truffles, the mushroom beloved by epicureans and wild pigs. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-03-molecules-curiosity-rover-early-life.html…

Study examines effects of nuclear war on Earth’s oceans

Researchers concluded that even a contained nuclear conflict would take a toll on Earth’s oceans and potentially disrupt the human food web. “The impacts are huge,” a scientist said. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/study-toll-of-nuclear-war-earths-oceans…