The Perfect Way To Cook Fried Rice, According To Science

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Food & Wine Magazine: Fried rice is one of those dishes where the name practically tells you how to make it. But the key to cooking perfect fried rice is in the details: not just the ingredients but also the equipment and technique. Traditionally, the dish is made in a wok with chefs continually…

Record-setting astronaut feels good after near year in space

NASA’s new record-setting astronaut said Wednesday that aside from sore muscles and trouble with balance, she’s readjusting well to gravity after nearly 11 months in space. Source:…

edX Insider: Data Analysis in Marketing

Even if you don’t work in the data science field, data analysis skills and tools are still very likely to come in handy. We chatted with a few members of the edX marketing team to find out the ways these skills arise in their day-to-day work, how they were able to pick up on tools in this field despite not having…

Lab-Grown Heart Muscles Have Been Transplanted Into a Human For the First Time

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ScienceAlert: On Monday, researchers from Japan’s Osaka University announced the successful completion of a first-of-its-kind heart transplant. Rather than replacing their patient’s entire heart with a new organ, these researchers placed degradable sheets containing heart muscle cells onto the heart’s damaged areas — and if the procedure has the desired effect, it could eventually…

Scientists Sent Mighty Mice To Space To Improve Treatments Back On Earth

In December, scientists sent 40 very muscular mice to live temporarily at the International Space Station. The resulting research, they hope, could lead to new treatments for kids with muscular dystrophy, or cancer patients with muscle wasting. From a report: In early December at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, two anxious scientists were about to send 20 years of research…

Thanksgiving turkey: Light meat or dark?

Want to avoid politics at this year’s Thanksgiving dinner? Amaze your companions with your knowledge of why different cuts of turkey have different characteristics. Source:…

While still in the womb, humans have extra lizard-like muscles in their hands

Research involving a non-invasive scan of living human embryos shows that some muscles, thought to have been abandoned by our mammalian ancestors 250 million years ago, are still present before birth. They’re among the oldest, albeit fleeting, remnants of evolution yet seen in humans. Source:…