ESA is working on a mission to explore caves on the moon

Infrastructure is going to be one of the biggest components of any permanent human settlement on the moon. NASA Artemis missions are focused directly on building up the facilities and processes necessary to support a moon base. ESA is also contributing both material and knowledge. Most recently, they made another step in their path to explore lava tubes and caves in…

US seeks to change the rules for mining the moon

Private industries have helped drop the cost of launching rockets, satellites and other equipment into space to historic lows. That has boosted interest in developing space—both for mining raw materials such as silicon for solar panels and oxygen for rocket fuel, as well as potentially relocating polluting industries off the Earth. But the rules are not clear about who would profit…

Astronaut pee could help to build Moon base

The urine of the first lunar settlers could be used as a construction material to help build new structures. With plans to send humans back to the Moo… Source:…

Building a moon base is a huge task, but these tiny satellites will pave the way

The space race between the US and Russia ended half a century ago when US astronauts became the first to walk on the moon. Today there’s yet another race, prompted by China’s successful landing on the far side of the moon and involving private companies as well as national space agencies, to put humans back on the lunar surface. Source:…

How to build a moon base

Half a century after humans first walked on the moon, a number of private companies and nations are planning to build permanent bases on the lunar surface. Despite the technological progress since the Apollo era, this will be extremely challenging. So how should you get started? Source:…

Cementing our place in space

As your dog drags you around the block for his morning walk, you’re probably not thinking about the wonders of the neighborhood sidewalk. But that concrete is pretty great. Next to water, it’s the most widely used material on Earth. In the future, concrete may be equally useful off the planet—when humans construct a permanent base on the moon. They’ll need…