Study reveals biggest Yellowstone supervolcano eruption

The new study also suggests that the supervolcano under Yellowstone National Park was much more explosive in its early history and could be slowing down. Source:…

3D Printed N95 Montana Mask Design Released Under GPLv3

Long-time Slashdot reader blackbearnh writes: Since the COVID-19 pandemic has made Personal Protective Equipment worth it’s weight in gold, Makers have been trying to help bridge the gap. While sewn masks have been the most common solution, the 3D printing community has been pitching in as well. The Montana Mask has been one of the most popular designs… Thursday, the group…

See the zodiacal light

The weeks around an equinox are the best time to look for it. With the moon waning again, those in the Northern Hemisphere might glimpse the mysterious zodiacal light in the west after true darkness falls. Southern Hemisphere? Look east before dawn. Source:…

Clearview AI Is Struggling To Address Complaints As Its Legal Issues Mount

An anonymous reader quotes a report from BuzzFeed News: Clearview AI, the facial recognition company that claims to have amassed a database of more than 3 billion photos scraped from Facebook, YouTube, and millions of other websites, is scrambling to deal with calls for bans from advocacy groups and legal threats. These troubles come after news reports exposed its questionable data…

Astrophysicists find massive black holes wandering around dwarf galaxies

A new search led by Montana State University has revealed more than a dozen massive black holes in dwarf galaxies that were previously considered too small to host them, and surprised scientists with their location within the galaxies. Source:…

Astronomers say SpaceX’s satellites are too bright in the sky. Friday’s launch will try to fix that

They were seen sparkling across the skies of Montana right around Christmas: a tidy row of lights that some mistook to be UFOs. The glowing celestial train has been spotted in California, Texas, in the Netherlands and even Chile. Source:…

Geminid meteors to peak this weekend

The shower is best around 2 a.m., but watch from late evening until dawn. The best morning is likely December 14. Mornings leading up to it might also offer some meteors as well, in the rich and reliable Geminid shower. Source:…

Earliest sunsets for 40 degrees N. around now

Earliest sunsets for 30 degrees N. were centered on late November and early December. Earliest sunsets at mid-northern latitudes are happening now. S. Hemisphere? Watch for your earliest sunrises. Source:…

All you need to know: Geminid meteor shower in 2019

We just can’t catch a break. The Geminid meteor shower will peak around the mornings of December 13 and 14, 2019, though under the light of a bright waning gibbous moon. Source:…