Thousands of Americans are jailed before trial. A new report shows the lasting impact.


‘Universal Basic Income Doesn’t Work’

An anonymous reader shares an opinion piece from The Guardian, written by analyst, writer and head of social policy for the New Economics Foundation, Anna Coote: A study published this week sheds doubt on ambitious claims made for universal basic income (UBI), the scheme that would give everyone regular, unconditional cash payments that are enough to live on. Its advocates claim…

Yes, the Internet is destroying our collective attention span


3 key moments from the House’s first-ever Medicare-for-all hearing


High School Production of ‘Alien’ Suprised By Visit From Sigourney Weaver

An anonymous reader quotes ABC News: ‘Alien: The Play’ returned to the stage at North Bergen High School one month after it took the internet by storm — thanks to its elaborate costumes, stage design and nostalgia for the original film, released in 1979. The drama club only had enough money to put the production on for two nights in March,…

When Digital Textbooks Make College Students Pay to Turn In Their Homework

Slashdot reader jyosim writes:
A professor at Arizona State U says he was let go from his teaching job in the economics department because he wouldn’t embrace assigning homework software that he says “requires students to pay just to turn in homework.” His students rushed to his defense on social media, saying that many of their courses now require them to pay…

Four Ways To Reduce Bad Scientific Research

An experimental psychologist at the University of Oxford argues that in two decades, “we will look back on the past 60 years — particularly in biomedical science — and marvel at how much time and money has been wasted on flawed research.” [M]any researchers persist in working in a way almost guaranteed not to deliver meaningful results. They ride with what…

Judge Temporarily Blocks Trump Rule on Abortion Referrals

An administration measure would bar groups that provide abortion referrals from receiving federal family planning money. Source:…

Can we trust the people who got us hooked on the internet to save us from it?
