Rodents and a rocket carried these researchers’ dreams to space

The human body evolved within the constant force of Earth’s gravity. To prevent bone and muscle atrophy during their stays in space, astronauts must exercise every day. For researchers studying bone or muscle loss that might be caused by diseases, aging or a sedentary lifestyle, the microgravity environment aboard the International Space Station is a unique place to perform experiments that…

Suited up: Testing how microgravity affects our ability to grab and manipulate objects in space

When it comes to grasping an object, our eyes, ears and hands are intimately connected. Our brain draws information from different senses, such as sight, sound and touch, to coordinate hand movements. Source:…

Mice in space: NASA’s latest experiment

Scientists are sending mighty mice to space, but rather than being gym rats, their strength was enhanced through genetic experimentation in the hopes of preventing human astronauts from experiencing muscle loss in microgravity. Source:…

Low gravity in space made some astronauts’ blood flow backwards

Spending time in microgravity can reverse the flow of a person’s blood and lead to clots, as seen in astronauts who spent months on the International Space Station Source:…

The First All-Female Spacewalk Is Scheduled For This Month

After the first all-female spacewalk was scrapped in March, NASA has now scheduled another attempt with astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir for October 21. CNN reports: For the intended spacewalk in March, Koch was going to be paired with astronaut Anne McClain, who has since returned to Earth. In March, NASA cited spacesuit availability as the reason for scrapping the…

First Meat Grown In Space Lab 248 Miles From Earth

The Israeli food technology startup Aleph Farms has successfully cultured meat in space for the first time. The Guardian reports: Aleph Farms grew the meat on the International Space Station, 248 miles (399 km) away from any natural resources. Bovine cells were harvested on Earth and taken to space, where they were grown into small-scale muscle tissue using a 3D bioprinter….

Studying flames in microgravity is helping make combustion on Earth cleaner, and space safer

Understanding how fire spreads and behaves in space is crucial for the safety of future astronauts and for understanding and controlling fire here on Earth. Source:…

Russian Soyuz docks with ISS on 2nd attempt

After the Soyuz MS-14’s first automated approach to the ISS was aborted due to a malfunction, the spacecraft has now docked safely at the station’s Zvezda module. It carries supplies for the crew and a humanoid robot. Source:…

Meet a family of NASA space robots

NASA engineers are working on a new family of space robots that can roll, climb, and use artificial intelligence to navigate around obstacles in rough terrains on other worlds. Meet the family, here. Source:…

To carve out a niche in space industries, Australia should focus on microgravity research rockets

Australia now has a space agency, and our federal and South Australian governments are looking to grow a prosperous space industry to boost productivity and employment. Source:…