Vegetables as well as meat could spread superbugs into food chain

Antibiotic-resistant microbes may be able to enter the human food chain via plants and vegetables as well as via meat, according to research in mice Source:…

Microbes from farms may protect children from asthma even in cities

Children who grow up on farms have a lower risk of developing asthma, and now it seems that may be due to microbes that can be in urban homes as well Source:…

Many of the world’s rivers are flush with dangerous levels of antibiotics

Antibiotic pollution can fuel drug resistance in microbes. A global survey of rivers finds unsafe levels of antibiotics in 16 percent of sites. Source:…

Gut microbes interfere with Parkinson’s drug – but we could stop them

We have identified organisms in the gut that break down the main drug used to treat Parkinson’s disease, a step towards making the therapy more effective Source:…

Will evidence for life on Mars look like fettuccine pasta?

The search for life on Mars usually involves looking for past or present microbes, invisible to the eye. Scientists at University of Illinois suggest searching instead for a type of rock formation known on Earth to be created by microbes. Source:…

Type A Blood Converted To Universal Donor Blood With Help From Bacterial Enzyme

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Science Magazine: For a transfusion to be successful, the patient and donor blood types must be compatible. Now, researchers analyzing bacteria in the human gut have discovered that microbes there produce two enzymes that can convert the common type A into a more universally accepted type. If the process pans out, blood specialists suggest…