EarthSky’s 2020 meteor shower guide

All you need to know about major meteor showers in 2020. Source:…

Quadrantid meteors on night of January 3-4

The expected peak of the Quadrantid meteor shower in 2020 comes late evening January 3 until dawn January 4, with the predawn hours on January 4 being your best bet. Source:…

Dark skies for 2020’s Quadrantid meteors

2020’s first major meteor shower is the Quadrantid shower. Best time to watch is probably late night January 3 until dawn January 4. Northerly latitudes are favored. No moon in the predawn hours (2 a.m. till dawn) this year! Source:…

Astronomers spy the Geminid meteors’ dust trail in space

Astronomers held a press conference this week to discuss the trail of dust left by 3200 Phaethon – the mysterious, blue rock-comet that spawns the Geminid meteor shower each year. This object was one of the 1st to blur the distinction between asteroids and comets. Source:…

Astronomers catch a comet outburst

Remember comet 46P/Wirtanen? It was a bright comet about this time last year. Around the time it swept near the Earth and sun, the comet entered the field of view NASA’s TESS planet-hunter. And boom! It underwent an outburst, caught by TESS. Source:…

All you need to know: 2019’s Leonid meteor shower

Here are all the details you need for 2019’s Leonid meteor shower, peaking on the morning of November 18, though under the light of a waning gibbous moon. Source:…

North Taurid meteors to peak in moonlight

Slow-moving North Taurids don’t exhibit a sharp peak, so meteor rates may remain fairly steady for the next several days. Too bad about the moon! Source:…

Around now, watch for Taurid fireballs

Maybe you’ve been watching for them already. A nominal peak of the shower is November 4 and 5, and the North and South Taurids are overlapping now. Source:…

All you need to know: Taurid meteors

Although a modest shower, perhaps offering 5 meteors per hour, the Taurid shower lasts over a month and is known for producing dramatic fireballs. Source:…

Orionid meteors late night until dawn

A bright moon interferes for much of the night for 2018’s Orionid meteor shower. Watch shortly before dawn, after moonset. Try watching on the mornings of October 20, 21 and 22. A dark sky is always best. Have fun! Source:…