Spinach Gives Fuel Cells a Power Up

Researchers at the Department of Chemistry, American University, used spinach to make a carbon-rich catalyst that can be used to improve the performance of fuel cells and metal-air batteries. IEEE Spectrum reports: The spinach was a used a precursor for high-performance catalysts required for the oxygen reduction reactions (ORRs) in fuel cells. Traditionally, fuel cells have used platinum-based catalysts, but not…

This transforming rover can explore the toughest terrain

A rover trundles over rocky terrain, its four metal wheels clattering along until they encounter a seemingly insurmountable hazard: a steep slope. Down below is a potential trove of science targets. With a typical rover, the operators would need to find another target, but this is DuAxel, a robot built for situations exactly like this. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-10-rover-explore-toughest-terrain.html…

What To Do With Fall Leaves | 11 Smart Ways

Are you wondering what to do with fall leaves? Be glad as they are like free loads of treasure strewn all over your yard. Here are some things you can do with these organic gold. RELATED:  17 Fall Decorations To Dress Up Your Home For The Season 11 Clever Tips on What to Do With Fall…Continue Reading
The post What To Do With…

Finding vaporized metal in the air of an exoplanet

WASP-121b is an exoplanet located 850 light years from Earth, orbiting its star in less than two days—a process that takes Earth a year to complete. WASP-121b is very close to its star—about 40 times closer than Earth to the Sun. This close proximity is also the main reason for its immensely high temperature of around 2,500 to 3,000 degrees Celsius….

13 Scientists Troll Scientific Journal With a Bogus Paper about Earth’s Black Hole

“They’re trolling us… we think. But how the hell did this get published?” asks Popular Mechanics. Slashdot reader worldofsimulacra shares their report: Scientists have uncovered a bizarre, indefensible paper that squeaked through peer review at what appears at first pass to be a legitimate medical journal… 13 listed authors from wildly different fields throw together a series of escalating falsehoods. “Recently,…

Electronic blood vessels could replace damaged arteries

Electronic blood vessels made from a combination of metal and plastic could be used to replace arteries damaged by cardiovascular disease Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2255848-electronic-blood-vessels-could-replace-damaged-arteries/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

IKEA Is Saying Goodbye To Non-Rechargeable Batteries

Ikea will remove all non-rechargeable alkaline batteries from its global home furnishings by October 2021, according to statement from the company emailed Wednesday. CNET reports: Aiming to reduce energy consumption and environmental waste with the move, the home furnishing giant cited the results of recent life-cycle assessment studies showing the environmental impact of alkaline batteries is higher compared with rechargeable nickel…

Researchers Finally Create Metal Wires Made from Carbon

University of California at Berkeley has made a big announcement: Transistors based on carbon rather than silicon could potentially boost computers’ speed and cut their power consumption more than a thousandfold — think of a mobile phone that holds its charge for months — but the set of tools needed to build working carbon circuits has remained incomplete until now. A…

Rat That Sniffs Out Land Mines Receives Award For Bravery

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The medal awarded on Friday lauded the “lifesaving bravery and devotion to duty” for work detecting land mines in Cambodia. Its recipient: a rat named Magawa.
Magawais the first rat to receive the award — a gold medal bestowed by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, a British charity, that is…

Giant Gundam Robot In Japan Makes Its First Moves

A giant Gundam in Japan’s Port of Yokohama is now able to “pick up its legs to walk, bend its knees, turn its head, and contort its fingers to mime hand signals,” reports Popular Mechanics. The 60-foot robot is the largest in the world. From the report: Inspired by the fictional Japanese robot of the same name — which has appeared…