AI Invents New ‘Recipes’ For Potential COVID-19 Drugs

sciencehabit writes: As scientists uncover drugs that can treat coronavirus infections, demand will almost certainly outstrip supplies — as is already happening with the antiviral remdesivir. To prevent shortages, researchers have come up with a new way to design synthetic routes to drugs now being tested in some COVID-19 clinical trials, using artificial intelligence (AI) software. The AI-planned new recipes –…

Several Pharmaceutical Companies Are Racing To Develop a Coronavirus Vaccine

“The race for a vaccine to combat the new coronavirus is moving faster than researchers and drugmakers expected,” reported Dow Jones News Services this week, “with Pfizer Inc. joining several other groups saying that they had accelerated the timetable for testing and that a vaccine could be ready for emergency use in the fall.”
Pfizer said Tuesday it will begin testing of…