Researchers Repurpose Failed Cancer Drug Into Printable Semiconductor

Long-time Slashdot reader sandbagger shared this news from the University of Illinois at Urbana, where researchers have made a surprising new discovery in a well-studied bioactive molecule: The molecule, which inserts itself into DNA to prevent replication, was once explored as a potential anti-cancer agent… “While examining these pharmaceutical molecules, we noticed that their molecular structures looked much like the organic…

How a Self-Taught Engineer Landed a New Job in Tech

Alina is a self-taught engineer from Berlin, Germany who turned to Coursera to gain the skills and knowledge she needed to break into the tech field.  Real-life projects for hands-on practice When I started on this self-teaching road, there were many online resources to choose from but I stopped at Coursera because unlike other platforms, […]
The post How a Self-Taught Engineer…

Organic Compounds Found In Plumes of Saturn’s Icy Moon Enceladus

Scientists have detected new types of organic compounds in the plumes that have been erupting from Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus. reports: NASA’s Cassini spacecraft collected invaluable data and images of Saturn and its moons over the approximately 20 years that the mission took place. While the mission ended on Sept. 15, 2017, with the craft diving toward the planet in…

EU Court: Facebook Can Be Forced To Remove Content Worldwide

New submitter sysrammer writes: “The European Union’s highest court ruled Thursday that individual member countries can force Facebook to remove what they regard as unlawful material from the social network all over the world — a decision experts say could hinder free speech online and put a heavy burden on tech companies,” reports The Associated Press. “The ruling essentially allows one…

New Theory On Mysterious Oumuamua Space Object Revealed

In 2017, astronomers discovered a peculiar object in the solar system called ‘Oumuamua that was somehow ejected into our solar system from some chain of unfortunate events. “Now, astronomers have hypothesized that something like ‘Oumuamua can come from a still-forming system, and a population of giant planets can have just the right gravitational effects to spread pieces of debris across the…

‘To the Stars’ confirms it has ‘UFO material’

A spokesperson for Tom Delonge’s controversial UFO organization has commented on its recent acquisition. Back in July, Steve Justice – chief operating… Source:…

Astronomers spy cosmic bubbles and bow shocks

Professional astronomers and citizen scientists have been combing through a region of our galaxy where cosmic bubbles are being inflated by wind and radiation from young, massive stars. Hundreds to thousands of stars may emerge from each bubble, in time. Source:…

These giant croc-like carnivores terrorized Triassic dinosaurs

Researchers have identified fossil remains as belonging to rauisuchians, predatory crocodile-like animals that fed on early dinosaurs and mammal relatives 210 million years ago. Source:…

Startup That Aims To 3D-Print Rockets Says It’s Fully Funded For Its First Commercial Missions

Aerospace startup Relativity Space — the company that aims to launch the first fully 3D-printed rocket to orbit — says it has raised all of the money it needs to launch its first mission and then enter commercial operations as early as 2021. After raising $140 million in its latest funding round, Relativity says its total funding now equals $185 million,…

Hackers Put Porn Vids On Promo Screens Above Asics Store and Detroit Billboard

dryriver shares a report from CNN: Sports brand Asics has issued an apology after “objectionable content” played on the screens above its store in Auckland, New Zealand. Pornographic videos were shown on promotional screens for hours outside an Asics store in Auckland, New Zealand on Sunday morning, the New Zealand Herald reported. The Japanese sportswear brand apologized Sunday, saying the material…