Blue Origin’s New Shepard completed its 7th launch and landing this week

Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket successfully launched an uncrewed test flight on October 13, with both its capsule and booster later executing a flawless landing. Source:…

Reddit Has Become the Gospel of Personal Finance

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Quartz: If you look beyond the memes, cat videos, and quirky acronyms (TIL, OP, ELI5) you’ll find a treasure trove of resources that will help you quickly get acquainted with the topics that have long eluded you. For me, even though I worked on Wall Street for nearly 15 years, Reddit is the first…

The New Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Trailer is a Giant Relief

You can almost hear the sigh of relief from the global Sega fan community. The new Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer, which Paramount released this morning, is a giant improvement. From a report: Our spiky hero no longer looks like a nightmarish experiment in avant garde taxidermy. The human teeth have been extracted. He has big doe eyes, not the sinister…

Should JavaScript Be Renamed?

Software engineer Kieran Potts asks: does JavaScript need to be renamed? There’s no doubt there are problems with JavaScript’s branding… – Correctly, “JavaScript” refers to a subset of ECMAScript specified by Mozilla, but the word is used interchangeably to refer to multiple different ECMAScript supersets, depending on context. – JavaScript is a trademark of Oracle Corporation, which doesn’t fit comfortably with…

Millions Watch As Entire Fortnite Ecosystem Becomes a Black Hole

“Fortnite just blew up its entire map and all that’s left is a black hole,” reports TechCrunch. Some are speculating that this is simply a teaser for a new Fortnite map, but it’s unclear when that new map will arrive… Fortnite’s website is currently just a Twitch stream featuring a black hole. The Washington Post reports:
Anyone looking for clues on Fortnite’s…

New names for 5 Jupiter moons

The naming suggestions in a contest – which ran from last February to April – ranged from the scholarly to the silly, these scientists said. We think you’ll like the winners. Source:…

What asteroid Ryugu told us

The Hayabusa2 mission has confirmed that – if asteroid Ryugu or a similar asteroid were to come dangerously close to Earth – we’d need to take care in trying to divert it, lest it break up into fragments that might then impact Earth. Source:…