Mirach is guide star to 3 galaxies

Mirach, a bright star in the constellation Andromeda, is often used by stargazers to locate the Andromeda Galaxy, the Triangulum Galaxy, and a galaxy known as Mirach’s Ghost (NGC 404). Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/mirach-guide-star-to-three-galaxies…

Asteroid Ryugu shaken by Hayabusa2’s impactor

Professor Arakawa Masahiko (Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Japan) and members of the Hayabusa2 mission discovered more than 200 boulders ranging from 30 cm to 6m in size, which either newly appeared or moved as a result of the artificial impact crater created by Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa2’s Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) on April 5th, 2019. Some boulders were disturbed even…

Paul Bogard on why we need darkness

Light at night may be a sign of life on Earth, but the darkness will proclaim our true intelligence. Check out this video on why we need darkness, from Paul Bogard. Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/paul-bogard-on-why-we-need-darkness…

Preparing for Sentinel-6’s challenging early days

Teams at ESA’s mission control centre are getting ready to ensure a new Sentinel Earth Observation mission safely arrives in its correct orbit, from where it will map, measure and monitor rising sea levels after its launch on 10 November. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-10-sentinel-early-days.html…

Scientists Capture World’s First 3,200-Megapixel Photos

Scientists at the Menlo Park, California-based SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have taken the world’s first 3,200-megapixel digital photos, using an advanced imaging device that’s built to explore the universe. CNET reports: “We will measure and catalog something like 20 billion galaxies.” said Steven Kahn, director of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile. That observatory is where the world’s largest digital…

Mathematicians have found the shortest route to visit 2 million stars

The travelling salesman problem – finding the shortest route between many locations – is notoriously tough, but it has now been solved for a map of over 2 million stars Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2258086-mathematicians-have-found-the-shortest-route-to-visit-2-million-stars/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

ClipDrop Lets You ‘Cut-and-Paste’ Real Life Objects Using Your Phone Camera Into Desktop Apps

An anonymous reader shares a report: Apple has boasted a lot about the AR capabilities of its new LiDAR equipped iPhone 12 Pro. It means that your new iPhone will be able to ‘map’ the room better to place objects. However, I hadn’t found an AR app that I might use regularly — until now. A few months ago, developer Cyril…

ClipDrop Lets You ‘Copy-and-Paste’ Real Life Objects Using Your Phone Camera Into Desktop Apps

An anonymous reader shares a report: Apple has boasted a lot about the AR capabilities of its new LiDAR equipped iPhone 12 Pro. It means that your new iPhone will be able to ‘map’ the room better to place objects. However, I hadn’t found an AR app that I might use regularly — until now. A few months ago, developer Cyril…

The ocean in the autumn sky

In Northern Hemisphere autumn (Southern Hemisphere spring), you can see a group of constellations that represented an “ocean” to the early stargazers. Source: https://earthsky.org/constellations/the-constellations-of-the-celestial-ocean…

Alpheratz belongs to Andromeda, but is part of the Great Square

Alpheratz, the brightest star in the constellation Andromeda, can help you locate the Andromeda Galaxy, the closest large spiral galaxy to our Milky Way home galaxy. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/alpheratz-belongs-to-andromeda-but-pegasus-can-claim-it…