Giant particle accelerator in the sky

The Earth’s magnetic field traps high-energy particles. When the first satellites were launched into space, scientists led by James Van Allen unexpectedly discovered the high-energy particle radiation regions, which were later named after its discoverer: the Van Allen Radiation Belts. Visualized, these look like two donut-shaped regions encompassing the planet. Source:…

The presence of resonating cavities above sunspots has been confirmed

Sunspots are darker regions which often appear on the Sun’s surface. They are caused by strong concentrations of magnetic field, and can be as big as the Earth, or even much bigger. Source:…

Astronomers explore properties of the high-magnetic field pulsar PSR J1119−6127

Using various space observatories, astronomers have conducted multi-wavelength study of a high-magnetic-field pulsar known as PSR J1119−6127, which underwent an outburst in 2016. The results shed more light on the properties of this pulsar during the post-outburst period. The study is detailed in a paper published August 28 on Source:…

Gas reaches young stars along magnetic field lines

Astronomers have used the GRAVITY instrument to study the immediate vicinity of a young star in more detail than ever before. Their observations confirm a thirty-year-old theory about the growth of young stars: the magnetic field produced by the star itself directs material from a surrounding accretion disk of gas and dust onto its surface. The results, published today in the…

Magnetic rivers feed star birth

Astronomers have learned that the pull of gravity can sometimes overcome the strong magnetic fields found in great star-forming clouds in space. The resulting weakly magnetized gas flow can feed the growth of new stars. Source:…

Researchers track slowly splitting ‘dent’ in Earth’s magnetic field

A small but evolving dent in Earth’s magnetic field can cause big headaches for satellites. Source:…