The First Room-Temperature Superconductor Has Finally Been Found

Joe2020 shares a report from Science News: Now, scientists have found the first superconductor that operates at room temperature — at least given a fairly chilly room. The material is superconducting below temperatures of about 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit), physicist Ranga Dias of the University of Rochester in New York and colleagues report October 14 in Nature. The team’s…

The moon had a magnetic field that helped protect Earth’s atmosphere

Some 4 billion years ago, the moon may have had a magnetic field that combined with Earth’s to create a powerful magnetic shield that protected our planet’s atmosphere Source:…

Detailed new image of famous stellar nursery

Gorgeous, detailed image of the Carina Nebula, a star nursery approximately 8,500 light-years away, as observed with the Gemini South telescope in Chile. Source:…

Was the moon magnetized by impact plasmas?

The moon, Mercury and many meteorite parent bodies contain a magnetized crust, which is commonly credited to an ancient core dynamo. A longstanding alternative hypothesis suggests the amplification of the interplanetary magnetic field and induced field of the crust (crustal field) via plasma generated through meteoroid impacts. In a new report now published on Science Advances, Rona Oran and a research…

Scientists find evidence of exotic state of matter in candidate material for quantum computers

Using a novel technique, scientists working at the Florida State University-headquartered National High Magnetic Field Laboratory have found evidence for a quantum spin liquid, a state of matter that is promising as a building block for the quantum computers of tomorrow. …

Top 4 most promising worlds for alien life in the solar system

Where are the other most promising locations for extraterrestrial life in our solar system? Source:…

Can we predict large solar flares?

Solar storms pose risks for society, but more accurate space weather forecasts may be coming soon. Source:…

10 proofs the Moon Landing was real, debunking conspiracy theories

How is the flag waving on the Moon? Why aren’t there any stars in the Apollo photos? EarthSky debunks these Moon Landing conspiracy theories and more. Source:…

Strongest magnetic field in universe directly detected by X-ray space observatory

The Insight-HXMT team has performed extensive observations of the accreting X-ray pulsar GRO J1008-57 and has discovered a magnetic field of ~1 billion Tesla on the surface of the neutron star. This is the strongest magnetic field conclusively detected in the universe. This work, published in the Astrophysical Journal, was primarily conducted by scientists from the Institute of High Energy Physics…