Top tips for binocular stargazing

Whether you’re a beginning stargazer or a veteran of thousands of starry nights, binoculars can be your best friend. Source:…

Achernar marks the end of the River

The bright, southerly star Achernar marks the end of the River in the constellation Eridanus. Many at northerly latitudes make a game of trying to catch a glimpse of it. Source:…

Chinese New Year 2020 falls on January 25

Chinese New Year 2020 falls on January 25 in Asia (January 24 in the west), beginning the Year of the Rat. China’s public holiday will be January 24-30. In Beijing this week, Chinese health officials expressed concerns about a coronavirus now spreading during this heavy travel season in Asia. Source:…

A winding river of stars called Eridanus

Why search for such a faint constellation? Only because it’s very beautiful. Plus seeing Eridanus can give you a kinship with stargazers from centuries ago. Source:…

Identify stars in the Winter Circle

Go outside, and look for the waxing gibbous moon tonight. Then notice the stars nearby. Tonight’s moon is within the Winter Circle stars. Source:…

Sun’s entry into zodiac signs, 2020

Every year, at the December solstice, the sun enters the sign Capricorn. One month later, on January 20, 2020, the sun will enter the sign Aquarius. We provide the dates for the sun’s entry into each sign of the zodiac for the year 2020. Source:…

Why the New Year begins on January 1

Celebrating the New Year on January 1 is a civil event, not an astronomical one. And yet nature cooperates to make January 1 a satisfying time to start anew. Source:…

Can you see stars’ different colors?

December is the perfect time for noticing the colors of the stars. Never noticed them? Today’s sky chart can help guide your eye. Source:…

Sun in zodiac constellations, 2020

The sun enters the constellation Sagittarius on December 18, 2019, and then enters the constellation Capricornus on January 20, 2020. Source:…

See a celestial Chariot in December

The constellation Auriga the Charioteer also has several easy-to-find and very famous star clusters that you can spot with binoculars. Source:…