Nintendo’s New Mario Kart Makes Your Living Room the Race Track

Nintendo is about to release its biggest product for the holiday season, where it will be up against new-generation consoles from rivals Microsoft and Sony. An early look at the new Mario Kart game for the Switch, featuring augmented reality and your living room as the race track, indicates that Nintendo will be just as competitive. From a report: In Mario…

Huawei Ready To Reveal Inner Workings To Show No Security Threat

Huawei’s Italian President says the company is ready to show that its technology does not pose any security risk to the countries that will include its equipment in the creation of 5G networks. Reuters reports: “We will open our insides, we are available to be vivisected to respond to all of this political pressure…,” President Luigi De Vecchis said at the…

Housebound Italian Kids Strain Network With Fortnite Marathon

Italy’s school shutdown is driving a surge in internet traffic as kids turn to online video games to stave off boredom. From a report: With schools, shops and restaurants closed in an attempt to limit Europe’s worst coronavirus outbreak, the amount of data passing through Telecom Italia SpA’s national network has surged by more than two-thirds in the past two weeks,…