Don’t Let a Killer Pollutant Loose

The Trump administration is moving to ease standards on a particularly deadly air contaminant. Source:…

Fixes: A.I. Joins the Campaign Against Sex Trafficking

Police in New York and other cities are turning to a bot to imitate women selling sex to men looking to buy it. It’s a new tool in the drive to break up trafficking rings. Source:

Chris Darden, O.J. Simpson Prosecutor, Is Now Defending the Suspect in Nipsey Hussle’s Killing

After the trial in which he made O.J. Simpson put on the bloody glove, Mr. Darden has worked as a law professor and has helped write several legal thrillers. Source:

What’s Life Like as a Student at U.S.C.? Depends on the Size of the Bank Account.

As U.S.C. has fought to attract low-income students, the campus has become a vivid microcosm of the economic disparities in Los Angeles. Source: