Before 2020 ends, a great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

These great Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions happen only every 20 years. The last one was in the year 2000. Their upcoming conjunction – December 21, 2020 – will be their closest since 1623. Source:…

The difference between ‘signs’ and constellations

When – astrologically – the sun enters the “sign” of Gemini, it is still nearly one month away from entering the constellation Gemini in the sky. Astronomer Guy Ottewell illustrates and discusses this difference. Source:…

Last full supermoon of 2020

The May 2020 full moon presents the 3rd in a series of 3 full supermoons. It’s the 3rd-closest, 3rd-largest and 3rd-brightest full moon of this year. Source:…

Year’s biggest and brightest supermoon on April 7-8

Watch for the biggest supermoon of the year to shine all night long. It lights up the eastern sky at dusk/nightfall April 7, climbs highest up for the night around midnight and sets in the west around sunrise April 8. Source:…

Spot BepiColombo during its goodbye flyby on April 9-10

On the night of April 9-10, BepiColombo will pass 7,891 miles (12,700 km, about 1 Earth diameter) from Earth’s surface. For most of us, it’ll pass unseen. But people with telescopes will spot it! How to spot BepiColombo on its roundabout journey to Mercury – charts and more – here. Source:…

Venezuela’s Flagship Communications Satellite Out of Service and Tumbling

Venezuela’s first and only state-owned communications satellite has been out of service since March 13 when a series of maneuvers left it tumbling in an unusable orbit. SpaceNews reports: The VeneSat-1 satellite, built by China Great Wall Industry Corp. and launched in late 2008 on a 15-year mission to provide television and broadband services to Venezuela, has been stuck for 10…

Arc to Arcturus, a springtime star

Arcturus is one of the easiest stars to find. Late at night in February – earlier as the months pass – just locate the Big Dipper in your northern sky. Then follow the arc in the Dipper’s handle to find yellow-orange star Arcturus. Source:…

Chemotherapy For Cancer Could Soon Be Unviable Because of Superbugs

schwit1 quotes a report from MSN: Cancer doctors fear superbugs which can’t be treated with antibiotics will soon remove chemotherapy as a treatment option for their patients, a survey has revealed. Cancer patients are more vulnerable to infections because the disease and its treatments can stop the immune system from working correctly. Of the 100 oncologists in the U.K. surveyed between…

Full Snow Moon near star Regulus February 8 and 9

The full moon instant occurs on February 9, 2020, at 7:33 UTC. The moon will appear full to the eye on both February 8 and 9. It’ll be near the star Regulus in Leo. We in North America call the February full moon the Snow Moon or Hunger Moon. Source:…

Sun’s entry into zodiac signs, 2020

Every year, at the December solstice, the sun enters the sign Capricorn. One month later, on January 20, 2020, the sun will enter the sign Aquarius. We provide the dates for the sun’s entry into each sign of the zodiac for the year 2020. Source:…